The authorities in Beijing have initiated a severe clampdown on internet wagering, leading to the closure of numerous poker applications. Their stance is unwavering! In the previous year alone, law enforcement officials in Shenzhen apprehended 71 individuals for engaging in gambling activities on the widely used WeChat and QQ platforms, both operated by the technology conglomerate Tencent. This crackdown represents a component of a much broader effort to eradicate illicit gambling within China.

A multitude of online poker platforms, including prominent entities such as Poker King and Poker Tribe, have been ensnared in this initiative. Even popular Texas Hold’em applications have been removed from app marketplaces.

Platforms like Poker King have attempted to assert their legitimacy by citing gambling licenses obtained from jurisdictions like the Philippines. However, they also engage in frequent name changes to evade detection, making it exceedingly difficult for Chinese authorities to apprehend them.

Eradicating all these platforms presents a protracted and arduous challenge for China, particularly given the persistent game of evasion. Even Apple recently intervened, expunging approximately 25,000 lottery applications from its Chinese app store in August, deeming them unlawful as well.

Written by

By Tyler "Tango" Stewart

With a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics and a Master's in Hospitality Management, this skilled writer has a deep understanding of the operational and customer service challenges facing modern casinos. They have expertise in revenue management, customer relationship management, and service quality assessment, which they apply to the analysis of casino operations and the development of strategies to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. Their articles and news pieces provide readers with insights into the latest trends and best practices in casino hospitality and the strategies used to create memorable and engaging customer experiences.

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